Every year in Israel, thousands of people will go without food. Men, women and children will suffer from malnutrition, because they lack the finances necessary to obtain healthy food that would provide the basic essential nutrients they need to survive. You could change this, by giving your support to Israel today.
Nutritional Health for Poor Families
Hundreds of thousands of families in Israel live below the national poverty line, but that could all change with donations to help provide these families with healthy, nutritionally dense food. These families often are only able to prepare meals high in carbohydrates, leading them quickly down the path to malnutrition.
Ever Dollar Counts
The importance of these donations cannot be overlooked. When you support Israel, we are able to turn your donations into life-saving support for the people of Israel. Think of the difference a diet high in necessary vitamins and minerals could make for a family. Better health, less illness, more energy for the parents to work, children who are better able to concentrate on their schoolwork, because they aren't showing up to school hungry anymore.
Holiday Meals
When you financially support Israel, it means that we can provide Jewish Holiday meals for the poor, who would otherwise go without. Holidays such as Rosh Hashanah and Hanukkah have special holiday foods that are associated with the Jewish Culture. Being able to have their traditional holiday foods on these days, can provide comfort not only to the body, but also to the soul of the people of Israel.
When you financially support Israel, that means we can support the population directly, and meet these families where they are. By supporting Israel, you are showing the Jewish people that someone cares about them, and about their needs. Thanks to you, we are able to make a difference, in a country where over 600,000 children, and their families try to survive on infrequent meals. Meals that lack produce, meat or daily products. By supporting Israel, you are changing the lives of hundreds of thousands of families, giving them a hope for a better tomorrow.